A website, probably safe, earning you Bitcoin

Bitcoin on pedestal

Mostly I write about scam and fraud sites so today I decided to mention one that I think is safe.

About eight years ago I wanted to investigate the new cryptocurrency Bitcoin but I didn't want to risk any of my savings. The alternative was to find a website that would give you free Bitcoin for just logging in and watch ads and similar services you can supply. This kind of websites were at that rime called Faucets and was the origin of today's Airdrops.

I found one at Free Bitcoin that I played around with for a while and then forgot about. There where quite a few of those Faucet's I played around with and created a small capital that I could invest in Bitcoin's. The one mentioned above is the only one I know about that has survived over the years.

I use a password handler for the websites I log in to and while going thru and organizing it the other day I stumbled upon Free Bitcoin, a website I haven't logged in to for many years. My login, not used for more than five years, still worked and my bitcoin balance was there. I don't remember any balance so I suppose the one that was there was the one I left there when I stopped using the account.

Now I have used a couple of days investigating the site I find interesting and by the circumstances I describe here prove that it's probably safe to use. It will not make you rich quickly but the longer you use it your daily earnings will increase and can over time be quite substantial. You must though use it in the right manner in order to earn. You can also quickly lose your hard earned money there.

Today the web site is a combination of air drop and gambling site. You can win free Satoshi's every hour. At the same time you win free lottery tickets to their lottery and you also win something they call Reward points. If you want to try this web site I recommend that you stay away from betting and buying lottery tickets. If you start betting or buying lottery tickets you will lose not earn.

The earnings are very slow but you can speed them up by investing in their Fun Token. They have something they call Wheel Of Fortune where you can get free spins if you subscribe to their news letter. I strongly recommend the last which gives you free money and with a bit of luck a lot of money.

Go here & sign up free!